Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Party Planning in Paradise

15 stalks of cooking bananas at K20 per stalk: K300
3 pigs (1 gaint, 1 medium, 1 medium-small) complicated combination of gifts and purchases
40-50 chickens: many will be gifts, but we may have to buy 10: K200
Kumu (edible greens): K30
Kaukau (sweet potatoes): K40
Firewood (2 trees worth): K60

Assorted utensils and containers: K75
Refreshments for the friends who will be working through night to prepare the food: K30
The chance to watch Sam's PNG friends congratulate Sam for graduating and bid him farewell: priceless.

Any of you who can make it to Sam's combination graduation-going away mumu, come on by.

Yours and His,

#1 Cooked food being sorted into serving containers
#2 Veggies in the leaf-lined pit--see the steam already starting to rise from the hot rocks in the pit?
#3 The pig's head--given as a gift to honor or thank a guest at the mumu


  1. Wow! K20 for a stalk of bananas? I can remember when they were 2 shillings for a stalk. That later converted into 20 toea, I think.

  2. Wow, Sam, congratulations! You'll have some stories to tell your friends about your graduation party. Blessings on your next journey. Jane Campbell

  3. Congratulations Sam, Best wishes as you go on to college. Jeralie Work and Witness June 2008

  4. Congratulations, Sam! Best Wishes as you go on to college. Jeralie W&W June 2008

  5. Congratulations Sam! And I bet you were the one of those who were up all night killing the pigs and chickens. I'm so proud of you!

  6. Wow! Sounds like a huge, delicious feast! I have a video of Sam showing how to eat kumu at the mumu at Avi Orchid Farms; he is an expert on kumu-eating. I like that some part of the pigs to be eaten are gifts..but some parts are paid for! :)
