Sunday, September 27, 2009

Worship at Konduk

Today Judy worshiped at Emmanuel church, since her small name-sake Judy-Mercy was being dedicated. Here's a link to a previous blog about her. We'll have photos in the next few days.

I took a group to a "bush church" at Konduk, high up on the mountain above Kudjip Station. The party included Rachael and Jordan Thompson, and Sid Sharp. Rachael is the teacher of the MK high school, and Jordan is working with our maintenance crew. Sid Sharp is a nurse anesthetist who has been volunteering at the hospital for a month, and well be returning to his home in the US tomorrow.

I had originally been asked to preach at Konduk, but I had declined. When I heard Pastor David preach this morning, I was glad that I had. He preached beautifully from the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal, emphasizing that Elijah had stood for the right, even when he had to stand alone. I enjoyed meeting Pastor David's new baby girl Lapi-Wari. The name is a combination of a variation of the Pidgin word for "laugh" and the tribal language word for "love". She quickly vindicated the "laugh" part of her name.

In addition to these photos, there is an album on Facebook here. You don't need to be a member of Facebook to see these pictures.

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