Sunday, March 22, 2009

Being Motherly

You may think that this looks like a picture of a pile of dirty laundry. There's a good explanation for that. It's because it's a pile of dirty laundry.

What do college students do when they have a chance to go to their parents' house for the weekend or even a few hours? They take their laundry, of course. The rule when Sam was at home was that he did his own. And he must have done some since he's been at college. But it got late, and there was still a batch to go, so Judy offered to finish for him. I think it made her feel good.



  1. Hey Judy -- it's odd, isn't it--- the things we love to hate doing? Dirty laundry, dirty dishes, dirty floors etc.... we love it! and i love you! cindy

  2. Sniff sniff. I am teary. Not sniffing socks.

  3. So happy you guys are near your kids!!!
